Saturday, December 15, 2012

Pump, msp or both?

Alot of the talk on msp has been about Pumpchkin. Some people just hate her and other people just love her! I understand why somepeople dont like her but im not on their side. I will always support her. But if I had to choose between PumpPlanet or MovieStar Planet which one would I choose? I would choose PumpPlanet,but just for the experience. Once the official PumpPlanet comes out i would like to see what it is like! I want to see the difference between msp and PumpPlant. Which side are you on? comment!   

Newton, CT


You should know about what happened in Nweton,Connecticut yesterday. At Sandy Hool Elementary school a 28 people were shot to death, but sadly 20 of them were kids ages 6-10. Just imagine having a regular day at school, then suddenly start hearing gunshots and having u teacher rushing you and your classmates into a small closet or bathroom.Or just imagine being at work thinking that you kid is safe at school and having a fun time learning then you get acall saying that your child has been shot or has been killed.....

Stalk much?

so, sara hatcher on msp is the nicest girl you could ever meet! but someone has started stalking her! First they were stalking her nowthey have made an account about her and is still stalking her! Watch out for stalkers and if u ask them to stop and they dont then report them!

MORE hacking drama!!

kylagrace on msp was hacked four times!!! But luckily she got her account back each time! but she lost all of her stuff her good thing she contacted msp and told them what happened. c: It looks like contacting msp is a big deal after all!

Fighting? DRAMA!

Two boys were fighting for a girl! But later on she decided not to pick any of them and find a new guy!

Dont let other MovieStars try to hack you!

Hey, alot of MovieStars on msp are being hacked! Make sure that if someone tries to hack you, you report them! They may say they are going to give u free vip, free sc (starcoins), or they might just tell u they will level u up! No matter what DO NOT trust them! They will send gifts to their MovieStar and give theirselfs autos and use ur money to buy things for themselves! and if u do get hacked try going to the home scrren for msp and click 'forgot password' and type in ur email and username. This might work because usually hackers just change the password, but if they change the email on the account then just try contacting msp at the bottom of the homescreen. Look below for an example of someone trying to hack someone else and another pic of the contact button so you kno where to find it!

Forum updates!

Dont forget to chack the Forum every once in a while for new updates from friends and msp!

MSP Blog!

Hi, I am iggyluv4u on msp and i decided to start a bog about it!

I will talk about updates on msp things to be careful of and just things going on on msp!

msp is short for MovieStar Planet